The Fussy Librarian

Bewildered by the number of books out there? Choose from 40 genres, select content preferences such as amount of sex and violence, and emails you daily deals.

This is a fairly new site.  Getting on it is an honor because they look for well written books with good reviews.  So I felt good about getting Train to Nowhere on their site–or rather in their email.   My novel will be listed, probably sometime this week.  It’s a one-time deal. 

A Dog of Tastes

Whenever I play the piano, our dog leaves the room.  I don’t blame Angus, our black lab.  My playing is atrocious, but it exercises my fingers and brain.  I also play the alto recorder, having returned to it after my sister decided we should get together on weekends to practice.  She has a soprano recorder.  At our first effort, Angus approached, perked up his ears as much as a lab can, and sat watching.

So I’ve added recorder practice after I finish with the piano.  I have only to blow the first note, and Angus races into the room, sometimes from the other side of the house.  The last time I played the piano, he entered before I finished because he knew my next move would be to play the recorder.

What is it about the instrument’s tone that so fascinates him?  Does it resemble a bird’s voice?  I think so.  Later I played some bird calls from the National Wildlife Federation, and he sat up, ears perked.  Perhaps when he’s outdoors, lying in the sun, he’s enjoying the bird calls.  I don’t blame him at all.

An ebooksoda announcement

Well, I just received this e-mail:

Train to Nowhere is being featured on Saturday February 8th 2014 at eBookSoda, a new readers’ site where they’ll send you ebook recommendations tailored to your taste.  Check it out.

Site News

Train to Nowhere title gimpeBookSoda just informed me that they selected Train to Nowhere for their site.  They match interested readers with high quality ebooks, so I feel pleased to have my science fiction novel chosen.

On another note, I’m promoting Train to Nowhere at a 60% reduced price at for a short time.  That’s $1.99.  Use this coupon code REW75 and download in the format of your choice.  Promotion ends  Feb. 10.