Long Pig, Soon To Be Available

braidlongpig 3Long Pig is a novella, which could be categorized as occult/supernatural or horror.  Or fantasy.  It will soon be available in paperback and as an eBook.  I hadn’t done anything to push it earlier because the cover was an embarrassment, and I’ve been involved in other works.  Fact is, I’ve felt like spilled water, spread too thin to sufficiently water any projects to fruition.  I was caught up in studies, reading and reviewing others writings, neglecting my own.   Time to pull back.  Time to refocus.  So I refocused on Long Pig, a story that had placed in a contest.

Authorstand wrote the following review:  “Long Pig is a very well written story with a solid plot, believable characters and enough intrigue to keep the pages turning. The combination of a character drama with a fantasy/witchcraft edge was a refreshing juxtaposition, which helped set the story apart from the crowd.”